Vassal of the King

Hail there, writers!  Welcome to my world!  It is here that I explore the worlds of fiction and the undiscovered facets of reality through the page.

My name is Preston Hayashi, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, a Scriptorium Paladin under King Aslan.  In the Medieval era, knights were trusted by the king to stand for him, and use that which he gave to them to benefit the kingdom.  This is the philosophy I have felt moved to make central to my works.  That is to say, I’m an aspiring writer working to develop his craft for the glory of God, much like the passage from Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 12:10-13 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

10 The Preacher sought to find out pleasant words, and an upright writing, eventhe words of truth.

11 The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails [a]fastened by the masters of the assemblies, which are given by one [b]pastor.

12 And of other things beside these, my son, take thou heed: for there is none end in making many [c]books, and much reading is a weariness of the flesh.

13 Let us hear the end of all: fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

And so to make it all the easier to understand who it is I am and what this blog will be centered around (and the foundation I write from).

  1. My life is spent in the pursuit of meaning.  Not meaning as to the understanding of the concept thereof.  I have already found understanding of what the meaning of life is through Christ.  I meant “meaning” as if it were a hidden treasure to be found in every situation to grow closer to God.
  2. I am obsessed with the concept of adventure, whether on the page or in real life.  Battles of good against all kind of adversity is what I write and read the most.  These are the subjects you can expect from me the most.
  3. We serve a good King, and He is not a God of loose ends, vain efforts and meaningless suffering.  However, without the valuable resource of hope, we will find it hard to find the strength to face the challenges of life.  Thus, my writings will convey the message of a realistic view of the present, and a hopeful optimism of the future.

And so with this as my introductory post to this new frontier, welcome to The Paladin Author!  Come by often, grab a pint of mead and let’s set out on the new adventure!