E. T., The Extra…Jedi? The Strange Connections Between E. T. and Star Wars and What It Could Mean

George Lucas and Steven Spielburg is one of the film industry friendships you know about most, and it led to good camaraderie that lasted for years.  From it we got Star Wars, Indiana Jones, E. T., and on it goes.

I wasn’t expecting for the realization that Star Wars and E. T. are in the same fictional universe.  Upon further research, I am not the first one to figure this out.  E. T.’s species actually has an in-canon name (the Asogians) and appears significant enough to have a seat in the Galactic Republic’s Senate.

An eye-popping Easter egg, if I do say so myself, but considering that Spielberg already featured several Star Wars characters  in the form of merchandise, having Elliott even mention it by name.

But then we have an interesting scene where E.T. is disguised as a ghost in order to sneak him through the Halloween festivities in their neighborhood.  Suddenly E.T. is sidetracked by a kid in a Yoda costume and starts exclaiming his iconic “Home!  Home!”

Considering the image I gave towards the top, this doesn’t seem so surprising now.  Yoda is one of the most prominent figures in the Jedi Order, which is central to the Galactic Republic.  Considering the Senate directly holds a delegation from his planet, Yoda is not surprisingly part of E.T.’s “home,” even if said “home” is an entire galaxy…or governmental entity?  So let’s get into that.

It turns out that Star Wars vintage comics were featuring this favorite alien of the eighties early on, even having them able to converse and interact with main characters, like this example of a Asogian bandying with Luke Skywalker himself.

And this one isn’t even attempting to hide.  In fact – from the look of that face – he seems to be daring us to tell him otherwise.


And it goes on.  Clearly these aliens are a part of the Star Wars universe since the original movie first came out due to Lucas and Spielberg being colleagues.  But I do want to bring it back to the original, asking a hopefully intriguing question.  E.T. clearly recognizes Yoda with good reason.  But then we come to another part of his character: his powers.  From the looks of it, him being in the fictional universe he is in, E.T. is clearly gifted in the Force and might even be a Jedi, if not one of the various Force-tradition sects from around the galaxy.

Best example is his ability to heal with a touch.  The glowing finger is the most recognizable image from the film, bar none; and interestingly, it involves him channeling the same energy that glows in his heart and is able to heal by contact.  This is right in line with almost every depiction of Force healing, an ability that draws energy from a being’s connection with the Force and uses it to renew and remake flesh and bone damaged by injuries and diseases.  Nearly every bit of art used to depict this ability shows an uncanny similarity.  So that nails that down pretty nicely.




And hand in hand with all powers of the Force is the idea of living beings and their connection to the rest of the universe, both organic and inorganic.  Life and nature are a major element in the themes of the Star Wars universe.  And there in the movie, E.T. uses his powers to revive a formerly dead bunch of flowers to full vitality.  And this is EXACTLY what Consitor Sato (or Plant Surge) does.  It’s a Light-side associated Force power that shockingly enhance the life growth of plants in the immediate area, enabling the user to even affect the form in which they grow, or use the Force to move them at their command.  Many use them as extremely effective whip snares to entrap enemies and hold them at bay.  So there we have another one-for-one match!

Then, of course, there’s Force Telekinesis, which is famously used in the series as a way of moving the Force in, around and through objects, allowing the user to move them with their control of the ability.

To make the comparison even more poignant, Yoda is an extremely elderly alien who reached a 900 years lifespan.  Despite this, his command of the Force was such that he could calmly lift and move an entire submerged X-Wing fighter without so much as exerting himself.

I wonder if E.T. did anything like tha–

Well done, my fine alien fellow.  Come to think of it, he even held control over an entire group of kids on their bikes without even struggling.

So it is clear.  E.T. also commands a great deal of Force power equal to many high-tier Jedi, but now comes my last point of the post.  What kind of Jedi is he?

Considering most of his work on Earth had to do with healing, reconciling and comforting those who showed kindness to him, avoiding any violent conflict with his Earthly captors, I would probably suggest a Jedi Consular.  Consulars specialized on Force power much more than lightsaber combat and constantly searched for the diplomatic, peaceful solution to a situation.  It is also clear that he works to think his way through situations, showing incredible resourcefulness and inventiveness with salvaged, improvised tech.  Heck, he even managed to pull off creating an intergalactic broadband distress beacon powerful enough to reach out to the scout ship that left him behind…and it WORKED THE FIRST TIME.  Sure, he seemed a bit slow mentally, but he was stranded on an alien planet as a castaway without any knowledge of the tech, culture and language.  Considering the handicap he was working at, I am amazed he adapted so quickly.

But as to the level of Jedi he might be, that’s a bit more interesting.  My guess is that he is a relatively young alien because he moves extremely swiftly through the forest and cornfield despite his squat stature.  He was able to actually outrun the investigators who first encountered him and disappear into the night.  What is more, I doubt he is the most experienced Jedi in the field when he is rather easily frightened.


Based on this, I wonder if he is something closer to an advanced Padawan about to become a Jedi Knight.  Enough to account for his powers, but not enough for him to be fully prepared for everything.

When originally released, the film caused some questions to be asked if E.T. was supposed to be some kind of Christ parallel which Spielberg naturally disproved.  Christ figure?  No.  But a Jedi maybe?  In that robe?  Maybe not canonically, but boy does it fit.

But then I stumbled onto another unanswered question.  It is completely unexplained as to why Elliott got so sick along with E.T., why they are so connected in soul.

It is extremely hard to find out the rationale behind it other than the inexplicable force of cinematic friendship that dominated eighties and nineties media…unless…

You don’t suppose Elliott was Force-sensitive all along, do you?  Come to think of it, that would explain a lot.  He is extremely emotional in his motivations which would make sense if his emotions echo into his sense of the Force.  It would explain him linking himself to E.T.’s emotions and well-being as well as vice versa.  Examples of sharing in the soul of another person is EVERYWHERE in Star Wars, and this strange element in the film is actually explained perfectly if this perspective is used on the classic film.

In the context of the Star Wars universe, this understandably enduring movie would interestingly make this a tale about the a castaway Jedi finding a home with an understanding, gifted Force-empathic child and them developing a dedicated friendship to help each other through difficulties and become much stronger than they were before.  I wouldn’t be surprised if the Jedi Council didn’t make some very great commendations for this peaceful visitor once he returned home.

Now if you’re gonna ask me about what TIMEFRAME in the Star Wars universe this all happened in, and how Earth somehow knew about happenings in a galaxy apparently far far away…

‘Course none of it is canon, but it sure is fun to think about!

Until next time, Godspeed and Peace be with ya!


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